Friday, September 27, 2013

First Day Blogging and First Day of 14 Day Juice Fast

Today is my first ever blog and is also the first day of my first every juice fast!  It is a great day for "firsts"!  I have so much to learn about blogging and just as much to learn about juicing, but since I have decided that TV and Facebook are too full of food advertisements that I will have to avoid them for the next 14 days.  I will have more than enough time to learn and do both with all the extra time on my hands.

So, the first thing to do is obviously introduce myself.  My name is Donna and I am going to be turning 48 on November 30th this year.  My choice to begin juicing did not come hastily.  I have been researching diets for many months now.  I followed the raw vegan diet and found myself being lead on a juicing trail.  It all sounded good so I bought a second hand juicer from and began trying a few juices just to see if I could "choke" some down!  To my surprise, they were actually tasty and filling.  With the exception of my first Mean Green juice using Kale.  I couldn't have swallowed that stuff had I been paid to!! I added some very expensive honey tangerines and STILL could not stifle that bitter tasting kale.  I vowed if I ever juiced to never make anything with Kale ever again.  Anyhow, to continue.  I have a few minor health issues such as aching joints, unidentified rashes and slightly elevated cholesterol, but all in all I think I am in pretty good shape by comparison to many I know my own age.  I have gained more weight over the years then I care to admit at this time so my main objectives are to lose weight and increase my overall health.

My husband, being the supportive fellow that he is.  Bought me a brand new Breville compact juicer.  Boy is it pretty!  Even being compact it wont fit on my small cluttered counter tops so again my dutiful husband scrounges me up an extension cord so that I can set up my "Juicing Station" on my overly large dining room table. I was inspired most by the movie "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead", by the way, so I took a few tips from that website.  If you haven't seen that movie, you owe it to yourself to kick start your motivation by doing so.  The two success stories are truly inspiring and amazing! I hope to have HALF their success. 

Well, as I sit writing my first blog I am sipping the last of my very first GREEN juice and it is very tasty.  I avoided the Kale just as I had promised myself and instead got two large bunches of Swiss Chard, bound and determined I would drink every last drop even if I had to shoot it into my veins!!  The food costs are fairly high.  I spent over $80 just on what I think will last me about a week, or I am hoping and praying it will last that long.  I bought a wide variety of fruits and veggies, trying to stay as even to half and half of each as I could.  Not sure why I spent an entire night copy and pasting recipes when I didn't even use one.  I just started adding things.  First I was going straight to conquer my GREEN weakness.  I mixed 4 large leaves of swiss chard, 4 granny smith apples, a handful of Spinach and a small piece of ginger. I only added half of each then gave it a tiny sip and was pleasantly surprised at how good it was so I doubled what I had added!  It made a perfect 16 oz bottle.  Yummy and filling.  I SOOO HAVE THIS!